Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Cedric"

People with the first name "Cedric"

Information about "Cedric"

For this Cedric there are 5930 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Cedric are: Baclet, Bocquillon, Calmejane

In the ranking of the most common first names Cedric is on position 1147.

During the last seven days Cedric was searched for 10 times.

Meaning of "Cedric"

Male first name (English):; (?) Cedric loved;; Carad = loved (Welsh); love CARU = (Welsh), invented by Sir Walter Scott for a character in his novel 'Ivanhoe', yet he walked perhaps the name ' Cerdic 'from whose meaning is uncertain, a possible origin for' Cerdic '(also' Ceredig ') is of Celtic / Welsh' Carad '(loved)

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