Christian Love and Christ Free People Check 

( I'm Christian Love)
(1 - 51 from 452

Google News: Weigel discusses Blessed John Paul II's life and legacy in Boston

[The Pilot] - "The more excellent way for Christian love is not just truth to Christians and truth for people living with them, it's truth for the world." Weigel said that love is what Pope John Paul II shared with the world. He said the pontiff took the principle

Google News: Critics Rave About "No Innocent Affair"

[ (press release)] - Reviewer Brian Knight says, “Edward's passion for the Lord and Christian love for everyone is on full display. This self proclaimed 'connect-the-dots' kind of guy hopes to help people know the Lord's commands and laws as He describes them in the Bible.

Christian Love - The Sims Wiki
Christian Love is an elderly member of the Gearheads from The Sims 2: Apartment Life. He appears...