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Google News: Arriva Medical Acquires Direct Diabetic Source

[ (press release)] - CORAL SPRINGS, Fla., Jan. 12, PRNewswire/ -- Arriva Medical, a leading national provider of diabetic supplies, announced today that it has acquired Direct Diabetic Source, Inc. in a transaction valued at approximately $5 million.

Bartlett: Canadiens looking more like Cunneyworth's team
[TSN] - CORAL SPRINGS, FL - The Canadiens hit the ice for a high tempo skate in their final practice of the calendar year as they prepare for a New Year's Eve contest against the Panthers. Randy Cunneyworth liked the work ethi of his hockey clubc last

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Coral Springs police union and City of Coral Springs at ...
Being a Coral Springs police officer is a good deal from a financial perspective. Current Coral Springs police officers receive pension payments at more than 80
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