For Cwalina there are 95 on Yasni with different names.
Among the most common last names on Yasni Cwalina is on position 4432.
The Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm I had in 1732 to accommodate Salzburger emigrants agreed to leave for religious reasons, their home mußten.Ungefähr 16 000 Salzburg were settled in the East (East Prussia circuits Pilkallen, Stalluponen, Gumbinnen). The language, therefore the spelling of the Salzburg designed with the already established here, Swiss, French, Magdeburg and Nassau extremely difficult: There were various spellings of a name: Example: Entry from the Church of the support Heimer church in Königsberg from Salzburg to a wedding 29/09/1732: George and Anna Czwalina Ratzebuntin (probably two Linger and Rottenberger) can therefore be called Czwalinna means "Zweiling or the twin" associated (found at Gollub "root directory of the East Prussian Salzburg)
(Sent from Yasni user)