Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Dana"

Information about "Dana"

For this Dana there are 22172 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Dana are: Ahmed, Epps, Ali

In the ranking of the most common first names Dana is on position 286.

During the last seven days Dana was searched for 114 times.

Meaning of "Dana"

Female first name (English): Dana, the Dane, Old English (Surname as first name); dhen = low, flat (Indo), a family name that goes back again on a name for someone from Denmark, the name of the Danes is probably due to a Indo-European root 'dhen' (low, flat) back Male first name (English): Dana, the Dane, Old English (Surname as first name); dhen = low, flat (Indo), a family name, which in turn on a name for someone from Denmark goes back, the name of the Danes is probably an Indo-European root 'dhen' (low, flat) back to Female first name (German): Dana, God is my judge, Hebrew (Old Testament); dan = the judge, el = the Mighty , God, information on male form DANIEL; in the Bible is a great prophet Daniel

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