Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Dennis"

Information about "Dennis"

For this Dennis there are 41384 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Dennis are: Morris, Oosterman, Abele

In the ranking of the most common first names Dennis is on position 93.

During the last seven days Dennis was searched for 195 times.

Meaning of "Dennis"

Male first name (German, English, French): Dennis, the devotees of Dionysus, Greek (Greek mythology); dios = Zeus, by 'Dionysius' (the god Dionysus Sanctified), Dionysus was the Greek god of wine, a son of Zeus and Semele, the name of God is made up of 'Dios' ('Zeus') and 'Nysa', the name of a legendary mountain, the St. Dionysius (3rd century) is one of 14 helpers, the city of St. Denis in France is named after him

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