Dieter Kosslick Free People Check 

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Postcard from Europe: Berlinale buzz
[Deutsche Welle] - Cut to a clip of Jack Nicholson, who extolls the aesthetics of his derrière and suggests a rear-end shot for a poster about his latest film.

Google News: I was fed up with Bollywood: Karan

[] - "It is such an honour to be at Berlin, thanks to festival director Dieter Kosslick and India programmer Dorothee Wenner, and our distributor Fox.

"Metropolis" reborn at Berlin Film Festival
[Xinhua] of Roman Polanski's new thriller "The Ghostwriter," many more traveled far to see the German cult classic "Metropolis" in its full, restored glory.

Karoline Herfurths Tagebuch: Romantik des Kinos auf dem Pariser Platz
[Berliner Morgenpost] - Und während Magda Schneider ihrer Romy vom Storch erzählt, frieren uns ein paar Jahrzehnte später die Hände ab. Die Gäste der Gala im Friedrichstadtpalast
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