Dmitri Alperovitch Free People Check 

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Google News: Kémipari Góliát

[Hetek] - „Szerintem nevetséges, hogy megengedjük egy kínai vállalatnak, akinek a kínai kormánnyal és a Népi Felszabadító Hadsereggel vannak kapcsolatai, hogy hozzáférjenek a hálózathoz" - mondja Dmitri Alperovitch, a CrowdStrike webbiztonsági munkatársa.

Google News: Groei van Huawei blijft onstuitbaar

[] - “Ik vind het ongelooflijk dat we een Chinese onderneming, die banden heeft met de Chinese regering en het Volksbevrijdingsleger (PLA), toegang bieden tot ons netwerk”, zegt Dmitri Alperovitch van het webbeveiligingsteam CrowdStrike. De vermoedens

Huawei is working with GCHQ
[TechEye] - Dmitri Alperovitch of CrowdStrike, a web-security outfit said it was ridiculous to allow Huawei, with its connections to the Chinese government and the People's Liberation Army (PLA), to have access to a network. But it could be that the British

Google News: The company that spooked the world

[The Economist] - “I think it's ridiculous to allow a Chinese company with connections to the Chinese government and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to have access to a network,” says Dmitri Alperovitch of CrowdStrike, a web-security outfit. Related topics. Chinese
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