Eric Holder Free People Check 

( I'm Eric Holder)


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Google News: Bordergate? Did Eric Holder lie to Congress? Does Obama know?

[] - Eric Holder testified that he “probably” only learned about Gunrunner in “the last few weeks,” but took credit for it in President Obama, who provided $10 million "stimulus" money and $11 million for 2011, says neither of them knew about it At a

Google News: This story could sink the Obama presidency

[Beaufort Observer] - But the real story here is: What did Eric Holder know and when did he know it? And, What did Barack Obama know and when did he know it? The answers to these questions could result in the impeachment of Barack Obama if the old adage that "the cover-up

Erie native at center of CIA probe
[] - The investigation, announced June 30 by Attorney General Eric Holder, promises to take Martine down a familiar path. He said the US Inspector General's Office investigated the case extensively in 2003, only to have it reopened in and

Hume: Obama handling of 'Fast and Furious' Nixonian
[Fox News (blog)] - During the web exclusive "Panel Plus" segment of "Fox News Sunday," Hume said that this scandal begs the question of what Obama Attorney General Eric Holder knew about Operation Fast and Furious and when did he know it.
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