Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Erika"

Information about "Erika"

Name-day: 18.5., 5.6.

For this Erika there are 25362 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Erika are: Guevara, Agnello, Alcaide

In the ranking of the most common first names Erika is on position 233.

During the last seven days Erika was searched for 142 times.

Meaning of "Erika"

Female first name (German): Erika, Heather, and the Erika; ereike = the heather, the heather (ancient Greek), Eric = the heather, the heather (Latin); use of the German Planzennamens Erika (Heath) as a first name, and the Name of the plant has Greek roots, and the of Plant-derived name merged with the same written female form of 'Eric' to 1 to Female first name (German, Scandinavian): Erika, the only ruler, Old Norse (two-part name); aen = alone; rikr = the ruler, the female name as a form of 'Eric' fused with the identically written name deriving from the German / Latin name for heather (the plant), the name only became popular towards the end of the 18th century, information on Erich male form:; made famous as the name of Swedish rulers, 'Erik' is a very common name in Sweden

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