Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Ernesto"

People with the first name "Ernesto"

Ernesto A. Acevedo Ernesto Abad Ernesto Alatorre Ernesto Alatriste Ernesto Alejandro Ernesto Alguera Ernesto Ancira Ernesto Aramburo Ernesto Aramburu Ernesto Artigas Ernesto Bernadet Ernesto Bonomi Ernesto Brucker Ernesto Caballero Ernesto Caceres Ernesto Carandang Ernesto Castro Ernesto Ceballos Ernesto Chua Ernesto Cortazar Ernesto Crespo Ernesto Cusicanqui Ernesto Domingo Ernesto E Escobar Ernesto Escobar Ernesto Escudero Ernesto Esliter Ernesto Espejel Ernesto Espinoza Ernesto Espíndola Ernesto Ezquer Ernesto Figueredo Ernesto Flores Ernesto Fortuna Ernesto Fumagalli Ernesto Furlong Ernesto Garcia Ernesto Gomez Ernesto Guillermo Ernesto Guraieb Ernesto Gustavo Ernesto Hernandez Ernesto Hirlemann Ernesto Hoost Ernesto J. Herrera Ernesto Khoudari Ernesto Kranwinkel Ernesto Lammoglia Ernesto Lara Ernesto Lemus Ernesto Llorente Ernesto Lobato Ernesto Loo Ernesto Lopez Ernesto Lupercio Ernesto M. Rivera Ernesto Mapache Ernesto Marroquin Ernesto Mendoza Ernesto Meneses Ernesto Moran Ernesto Muyshondt Ernesto Navarro Ernesto Ogbinar Ernesto Ordaz Ernesto Ornelas Ernesto Pedraza Ernesto Pedro Ernesto Petti Ernesto Pimentel Ernesto Pineda Ernesto Pinto Ernesto Pittaluga Ernesto Prato Ernesto Ramos Ernesto Razzano Ernesto Rendon Ernesto Requejo Ernesto Resendiz Ernesto Rios Ernesto Rivera Ernesto Rodriguez Ernesto Rosenberg Ernesto Rupar Ernesto Sanchez Ernesto Sandoval Ernesto Soria Ernesto Tapia Ernesto Tavares Ernesto Tellez Ernesto Trotta Ernesto Vattolo Ernesto Velázquez Ernesto Verdugo Ernesto Villarreal Ernesto Zamarripa Ernesto Zambrana Ernesto Zavala Ernesto Zoghbi Ernesto Zuazo
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Information about "Ernesto"

For this Ernesto there are 8959 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Ernesto are: Perez, Almeida, Amado

In the ranking of the most common first names Ernesto is on position 773.

During the last seven days Ernesto was searched for 78 times.

Meaning of "Ernesto"

Male first name (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese): Ernesto, the earnest and the stern, Old High (Word format); serious = the seriousness, the eagerness of fight that battle; in Germany, made famous in the Middle Ages by the legend of Duke Ernst of Swabia

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