Farrukh Zaman Khan and Pakistan Free People Check 

( I'm Farrukh Zaman Khan)
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Demonstrasi Massal Lumpuhkan Pakistan

[RUBRIK | DW.DE] - Zaman Khan, seorang polisi yang berjaga di kawasan diplomatik itu mengatakan, ia diperintahkan oleh atasannya untuk membubarkan khalayak. Karena itulah, ia mulai menembak ke arah pepohonan. "Kaum demonstran bukan sasarannya". Begitu ungkap

Pakistani protesters try to siege US embassy, clash with police ...

[RT] and that some students are armed with wooden clubs. "I was ordered by my boss to disperse the crowd and that is why I had to open live fire, but the aim was nearby trees and not the demonstrators," Zaman Khan, a police officer deployed at the

Il Pakistan dopo il rogo di 310 operai tessili

[TM News] - È un esempio tipico dell'avidità degli uomini d'affari e della completa latitanza dello Stato", spiega Fahim Zaman Khan, ex responsabile amministrativo di Karachi.La morte di queste centinaia di uomini e donne ha sollevato il velo su condizioni di

Afghani dips, food prices stable in Kabul

[Frontier Post] - Nisar Ahmad, a shopkeeper in the Qala-i-Zaman Khan locality, sold a 50-kg sack of Pakistani flour for 1,150 afs, the same amount of rice for 3,800 afs and a 50-kg bag of sugar for 2,100afs. Abdul Basir, a jeweller in the Lycee-i-Maryam neighbourhood
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