Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Franz"

Information about "Franz"

Name-day: 24.1., 2.9., 4.10., 3.12.

For this Franz there are 9078 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Franz are: Brozé, Conero, Cundi

In the ranking of the most common first names Franz is on position 766.

During the last seven days Franz was searched for 104 times.

Meaning of "Franz"

Male first name (German): Francis, the little Frenchman, Italian (became independent short form); francesco = the little Frenchman, emerged as a nickname 'Francesco' ('little Frenchman', 'Französlein') by Giovanni Bernardone, known as Saint. Francis of Assisi, the German form of 'Francis' is a Romanization of the Italian nickname, the common first name 'Francis' turn a short form of it

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