Greg Taylor and Council Free People Check 

( I'm Greg Taylor)
(1 - 11 from 13

City debates real estate role
[Herald and News] - City Council members Greg Taylor and Bill Adams said they wish the city would stay out of the real estate business, but with the current low cost of the property and hope for a future economic recovery, they felt it was time for the city to intervene.

Split Renton City Council opts not to put library initiative to vote of the people
[Renton Reporter] - Council members Greg Taylor, Randy Corman and Marcie Palmer were equally as vocal with their explanation for putting the measure to a vote of the people. Council member Ed Prince was silent as the deliberation went on into the night.

Building a hard sell
[Herald and News] - Council member Greg Taylor, citing previous struggles to sell the property, questioned why the Downtown Advisory Committee was confident the proposed renovations to the building's broken windows, leaking roof and neglected interior would result in a

Program offers residents, city rewards
[Herald and News] - Klamath Falls City Council member Greg Taylor expressed concern at a recent meeting that participants are required to share too much personal information online in order to claim rewards and enter points. “That's a red flag to me,” he said.