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Tea Party promoters pass through Casper

[Billings Gazette] - The Tea Party Express runs on the fiduciary fuel of the party's political-action committee, Our Country Deserves Better. The size, cost and intrusiveness of the federal government are the flaws in the current administration, said Howard Kaloogian

Google News: At 50, Uganda deserves better

[Daily Monitor] - What the reporters failed or feared to ask was, whether the ever increasing budget allocations to State House excludes health provisions for Mr Museveni and his family or not. Is it a family practice for instance? If so, then Ugandans can rest assured

Campbell: Cedar Hills case shows scars of fight for open government

[Salt Lake Tribune] that both government and citizens involved in the Government Records Access Management Act (GRAMA) process need to practice more cooperation and a lot less political posturing and personal attacks. The public's right to know deserves better. Photos

Where Cards prospects rank in minor leagues

[STLtoday.com] - This weekend the Pic prints as a daily paper for the last time. Many of my friends won't return to the paper after its final daily edition. They deserve better. New Orleans deserves better. The Pic made me better. And because of that it's a
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