Hooman Khalili and Smartphone Free People Check 

( I'm Hooman Khalili)
(1 - 19 from 29

Guardian: Olive, first film to be shot entirely on Smartphone, heads to cinemas

[The Guardian] - In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, director Hooman Khalili described how he had to hack the phone to turn off its auto-zoom and auto-focus features in order to get the technology to behave as he wanted. "The camera thinks it knows what you

First full-length film shot on smartphone - UPI.com

San Francisco radio personality Hooman Khalili says he has shot the first feature-length film on a smartphone to be released in a theater.

Olive : premier film tourné avec un smartphone - Yahoo Actualités

Il s'appelle Hooman Khalili et il vient de réaliser le premier long-métrage entièrement tourné avec un téléphone portable. Olive, son film, sort cette semaine en salles à Los Angeles. Dans le casting, on retrouve la grande Gena Rowlands, qui renoue avec le cinéma après quatre ans d'absence. Ce n'est pas ...

Hooman Khalili's 'Olive' Filmed On Smartphone | WQCSnews.wqcs.org › post › last-word-business-10

Hooman Khalili's 'Olive' Filmed On Smartphone. By editor ... It goes to a filmmaker who's looking to catch the Academy's eye: Hooman Khalili.