Find people

Find people that match your searched terms

If you look for somebody you don’t know the complete name of or of whom the name is not relevant, because you look for a specific service provider, enter the terms such as location, profession, company, or components of the name in the respective search field on our front page and click on “Search”. If you want to make sure that several words are recognized as one phrase, please put them in quotation marks (e.g. “Newark Dentist Miller”).

find people

By clicking on “Advanced Search” you can also fill all known information into the input screen.

advanced search

Displaying the search results

When doing a search with keywords, Yasni Exposés that fit your query as well as information about people who don't have an Exposé on Yasni will be shown.

displaying results

If you have an Exposé on Yasni, you can now contact other Yasni users with our internal messenger.
However, you cannot contact those who have no Exposé on Yasni. If you have a look at the search results of the respective name, you might be able to find out telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, or other contact details.

If you click on the links, you will either be directed to the respective Exposé or to the background check, where you can find the information sorted according to your search terms. Of course, you can cancel the sorting.

Refining the search results

Additionally, it is possible to specify your search term on the search result page via “Did you mean…” (e.g. “White” as family name or company). With that help the search results become more accurately.

refining results

With the search suggestions in the box on the right you can initiate another search.

Be found

The people search evaluates general search results and, above all, the Exposé entries for its search result lists.
In order to be found when entering certain terms we suggest to create a personal Exposé. You can introduce yourself and your service for free and, of course, leave your contact details.

Post free Exposé

Several tools and, if necessary, features that are liable to costs ensure a better prioritization of the respective terms in the search result lists.

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