Missing person ads

Yasni is a people search engine dedicated to finding people on the web. It pulls together all the publicly available information and search results to search results lists. We cannot show information that are not publicly available.

If you look at the search results of the wanted name, you will see numerous different details. Please remember that the result list contains all information of a name that suits to more than one person. We are not able to show filtered information by e-mail because the search is supposed to be done by you.

We also offer the possibility to insert a missing person ad. That respective person or others who might know something about that person can answer to that ad. The chances of response are enormous. In order to use that service you have to create a personal Yasni Exposé. This is how we try to avoid fraudulent use of this function.

On the left-hand side you can find the links to insert a missing person ad for free or to search through them. Please follow the further instructions by clicking on the respective links. Answers to your missing person ad will be transferred to you through us by e-mail so that they are not publicly visible.

Therefore, the chances that the respective person or someone who knows the person you have searched for will find your ad are very high.

We keep our fingers crossed!

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