Ivan Lewis and Labour Free People Check 

( I'm Ivan Lewis)
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Google News: Lewis, I - Aid Committment Bill

[DeHavilland (press release) (subscription)] - Lewis, I - Aid Committment Bill. Labour Shadow International Development Secretary Ivan Lewis said the UK should enshrine its commitment to provide 0.7 of GNI to international development into law. Would the government support a Bill moving this

The coalition must not go soft on climate change

[New Statesman (blog)] - Mary Creagh is the shadow environment secretary, Caroline Flint, is the shadow climate and energy secretary, and Ivan Lewis is the shadow international development secretary. SERA the Labour Environment Campaign has today published a collection of

Google News: Top of the Morning: Egypt Elections, Nigeria Church Attacks, UK Aid ...

[UN Dispatch] - Labour's shadow development secretary Ivan Lewis said the government's attitude was “extraordinary”, adding that there was now not a “cat in hell's chance” of a bill being taken forward by the coalition alone.” (Guardian http://bit.ly/N7DejR). Church

Guardian: Aid groups call on coalition to explain broken spending pledge

[The Guardian] - Labour's shadow development secretary Ivan Lewis said the government's attitude was "extraordinary", adding that there was now not a "cat in hell's chance" of a bill being taken forward by the coalition alone. Calling on the coalition MPs to back the