Jerry Johnson and Windows Free People Check 

( I'm Jerry Johnson)
(1 - 11 from 17

Google News: Microsoft planning to bring its Xbox music service to iOS

[TechnologyTell] - The new music offering will be called Xbox Music, and according to Jerry Johnson, general manager of Xbox Music, it will also come to Apple's iOS devices. The Xbox music service will make its debut on Windows and will eventually roll out to other

Google News: Win7用户将能继续使用Zune Music服务

[中关村在线] - Xbox Music服务产品总经理杰里-约翰逊(Jerry Johnson)表示:“Windows 7将仍拥有Zune Music老用户,这些用户将能够基于订阅、任何人已经购买的内容和能够流入Windows 8的内容获得访问权。” 据悉,今年8月底,微软曾决定

Google News: Windows 8 Release Date with Xbox Music, Free Trial Begins Today ...

[Books & Review] - Xbox Music General Manager Jerry Johnson demonstrated Oct. 12 how users save playlists online, and can be accessed when switching between the service on the Xbox 360 game console, a Windows Phone, and a Windows 8 tablet. According to CBS

Google News: Xbox Live Dashboard, Xbox Music Finally Set to Roll Out – More ...

[iTechPost] - According to Jerry Johnson, general manager of Xbox Music, Windows 7 "will still have the old Zune client. That client will have access based on the subscriptions and the content that anyone purchased and that content can flow forward to Windows 8 but