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Exclusive Giveaway: Stargate Atlantis
[] - The second is an original SGA episode script (for the third season finale, "First Strike") signed by writer/producer Martin Gero and actors Joe Flanigan (John Sheppard), David Hewlett (Dr. Rodney McKay) and Jason Momoa (Ronon Dex).

Google News: Charlize Theron and Damon Lindelof explain the deeper meanings of Prometheus!

[io9] - [Blogtor Who] Joe Flanigan, best known for playing John Sheppard on Stargate: Atlantis, has tweeted that he will be appearing on the show. [Fringe Spoilers] Executive producer Joel Wyman has revealed the season premiere is called "A Sort of Homecoming.

Google News: Joe Flanigan dans Fringe

[] - L'acteur Joe Flanigan, qui campa durant les 5 saisons de Stargate Atlantis le militaire John Sheppard, sera présent dans la prochaine saison de la série Fringe. C'est du moins ce qu'il laisse entendre sur son Twitter : « Working on Fringe right now.

Merchants gripe about Scottsdale's water, sewer work
[AZ] - Construction at Goldwater Boulevard and Marshall has upset some merchants in the shopping center at the northwestern corner of Scottsdale and Osborn, including Carbajal and John Sheppard, owner of Seville Cleaners. Both say they didn't receive any
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