Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Josephine"

People with the first name "Josephine"

Josephine Abbatiello Josephine Adjei-Tenkorang Josephine Alexander Josephine Allen Josephine Ampley Josephine Amuwa Josephine Anderson Josephine Andrews Josephine Aniol Josephine Baker Josephine Beasley Josephine Bell Josephine Bey Josephine Blair Josephine Boulus Josephine Briggs Josephine Burns Josephine Canonizado Josephine Carlos Josephine Castro Josephine Chamberlain Josephine Chan Josephine Chen Josephine Cobb Josephine Collins Josephine Colman Josephine Crouch Josephine Deeb Josephine Diaz Josephine Dlugopolski Josephine Dominguez Josephine Doyle Josephine Drummond Josephine E Ruvolo Josephine Feeney Josephine Femjoy Josephine Fischer Josephine Garcia Josephine Goh Josephine Gray Josephine Huang Josephine Ignacio Josephine Job Josephine Jones Josephine Joseph Josephine Kao Josephine Kerzel Duel Josephine Kiyenje Josephine Knight Josephine Leily Josephine Lennon Josephine Liang Josephine Lumbwe Josephine Lynch Josephine Magri Josephine Manfrida Josephine Manuel Josephine Meyer Josephine Moore Josephine Moran Josephine Moreno Josephine Mutzenbacher Josephine Müller Josephine Nelson Josephine O'brien Josephine Ortiz Josephine Paterson Josephine Perez Josephine Peters Josephine Phan Josephine Powell Josephine Preuß Josephine Price Josephine Quiepo Josephine Ratna Josephine Reid Josephine Robertson Josephine Romano Josephine Rosenberg Josephine Röper Josephine Schmidt Josephine Shaffer Josephine Smith Josephine Taylor Josephine Theis Josephine Tucci Josephine Vega Josephine Vella Josephine Viray Josephine Wall Josephine Wanjiku Josephine Wanjiru Josephine Webster Josephine White Josephine Williams Josephine Wolf Josephine Wormall Josephine Wortelboer Josephine Young Josephine da Silva
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Information about "Josephine"

Name-day: 26.10.

For this Josephine there are 11915 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Josephine are: Akin-Fatoki, Alarid, Arthur

In the ranking of the most common first names Josephine is on position 589.

During the last seven days Josephine was searched for 61 times.

Meaning of "Josephine"

Female first name (English): Josephine, He (God) adds, Hebrew (Old Testament); jasaf add = multiply; information to the male form of Joseph, the name is interpreted 'May God add another son' as, in the Old Testament Joseph is the eleventh son of Jacob, adviser to the Pharaoh in Egypt, and thus also the name of the 12 tribes of Israel, in the New Testament, Joseph is the husband of Mary, the Mother of Jesus

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