Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Judy"

Information about "Judy"

For this Judy there are 23515 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Judy are: Abdallah, Allison, Avila

In the ranking of the most common first names Judy is on position 263.

During the last seven days Judy was searched for 142 times.

Meaning of "Judy"

Female first name (English): Judy, wife of Yehud; Jew; Hebrew (Old Testament), the meaning 'wife of Yehud' refers to the town of Yehud in Israel, the name could also 'members of the tribe of Judah' and thus' Jewess 'have meant, in the Bible, Judith one of the women of Esau; are among the apocryphal writings is also a book' Judith '

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