Karen Freeman and Harvard Free People Check 

( I'm Karen Freeman)
(1 - 13 from 24

Google News: Can a Very Determined Mayor Save Gary?

[Governing (blog)] - Karen Freeman-Wilson was pretty determined to be mayor of Gary, Ind. She knows success, having graduated cum laude and earned a law degree from Harvard University. She's been a Lake County prosecutor, a Gary city-court judge, the head of the

Google News: Pinterest与FB消费能力:图片胜于语言

[TechWeb] - 卡伦·弗里曼(Karen Freeman)、帕特里克·斯本纳(Patrick Spenner)和安娜·伯德(Anna Bird)在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)上对消费者与品牌之间的关系进行了调查。 调查发现,消费者并不喜欢接受连珠炮似

Google News: Men Mentor Youth at Millennium Place Before Muncie Black Expo

[Muncie Free Press] - The Muncie Black Expo kicks off Thursday with a speech by Gary Mayor Karen Freeman Wilson at the Cornerstone Center for the Arts. The lunch begins at 11 am Wilson has a law degree from Harvard. She was also an Indiana Attorney General.

3 mythes déboulonnés à propos de la relation des clients avec les ...

[Express.be] - Mais après avoir mené une étude sur cette question auprès plus de clients, Karen Freeman, Patrick Spenner et Anna Bird expliquent dans la Harvard Business Review que les entreprises se trompent souvent lorsqu'elles élaborent leur stratégie