Name-day: 8.11.
For this Karina there are 15326 different names on Yasni.
Most common last names for Karina are: Guzman, Arutyunyan, Assad
In the ranking of the most common first names Karina is on position 449.
During the last seven days Karina was searched for 66 times.
Female first name (German): Karina, pretty sweet, Italian (Word format); probably a relatively recent formation of Italian 'carino' and the female form 'carina';; carino = pretty, love can be understood alternatively as a pet form of 'Cara' Female first name (German, Scandinavian): (Karina?), the pure, ancient Greek (Word format); carus = dear, expensive (Latin); katharos = pure; 'became independent Scandinavian development of' Katharina, is often related to be related to Latin 'carus' (dear, expensive) because of the similarity of the words