(1 - 14 from 18
Google News: Stylish Spots for a New York Nightcap
[Gotham Magazine] - Jason Wu, Kate Bosworth, and Jessica Stam have all graced the legendary hangout Washington St., ; standardhotels.com. The Wayland This unpretentious bar and restaurant features fresh seasonal fare and potables. A favorite of Marc
Google News: Juno Temple : son intervew pour le magazine Asos du mois d'octobre
[Nina People] - Little Birds (avec Kate Bosworth), un petit film indépendant pour lequel elle a eu une expérience aussi extraordinaire que pour The Dark Knight Rises. Son déménagement aux États-Unis? "C'était une aventure ... Mais il y a beaucoup de gens que j'aime ici.
Google News: The PhilmGuy's DVD Review: 'The Five-Year Engagement' Starring Emily Blunt ...
[OK! Magazine] - Life Happens — Krysten Ritter stars as a woman who becomes a single mom after a one-night stand who over-relies on her two roommates (Kate Bosworth and Rachel Bilson) for childcare and support as she tries to jump back in to the dating world. Romantic
Which Star's Style Does Katharine McPhee 'Love, Love, Love'?
[People Magazine] - “I love Kate Bosworth's style,” the Smash star tells PEOPLE. “She always looks classy, but her style [changes]. It's sometimes hippie, sometimes hipster-edgy and sometimes it's like a classic Chanel tweed dress paired with a purse. I love, love, love
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