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Google News: Kristen Stewart Beats Out Jennifer Lawrence For Lie Down In Darkness Lead ...
[Access Hollywood] - In addition to “Breaking Dawn – Part 2,” Kristen is starring in the big screen adaption of “On the Road” with Garrett Hedlund, Kirsten Dunst and Amy Adams, slated to hit theaters this fall. -- Jesse Spero. Copyright by NBC Universal, Inc. All
Google News: Festival preview: Ghibli's worlds of wonder
[Salt Lake Tribune] - The English-language versions now boast Hollywood stars such as Kirsten Dunst (on "Kiki's Delivery Service"), Christian Bale (in "Howl's Moving Castle") and Liam Neeson (in "Ponyo"). As a fan of Ghibli's films, Shen is excited for the retrospective at
Google News: Kirsten Dunst pri hľadaní lásky na chémiu nevsádza
[Pravda.sk] ročná hollywoodska kráska Kirsten Dunst je po niekoľkých sklamaniach v otázke lásky opatrná. „Myslela som si, že budem mať vo veciach oveľa jasnejšie, keď prekročím prah tridsiatky,“ povedala v rozhovore pre magazín Psychologies a pokračovala: „Ale
Google News: Hollywood's New Diet Craze!
[AhlanLive.com] - Have you ever wondered how Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kirsten Dunst stay skinny without starving themselves? Us too, until now. Forget no carbs, low-calorie or faddy detoxes, the latest craze to sweep Hollywood is much more scientific, and
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