Kit E Cat and E-Cat Free People Check 

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Cold Fusion: Future of physics or phoney?
[] - Rossi's "energy catalyser" or E-Cat is based on a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction which produces vast quantities of energy from a few grams of hy…. Otherwise known as Cold Fusion, it's a field largely shunned by mainstream physicists.

Google News: Are we on the Brink of an Energy Revolution? Andrea Rossi to Build 1MW Power Plant

[] - It seems that Rossi has not yet finalised the design for his ultimate E-cat reactor. How can he build a 1 MW plant if the basic reactor design is not yet completed? Rossi is apparently struggling to come up with a satisfactory design for a small E-Cat.

Cold fusion rears its head as 'E-Cat' research promises to change the world
[] - Rossi, an Italian inventor, claims to have come up with the Holy Grail of power generation, an "Energy Catalyser" or E-Cat, which produces limitless energy. He has already carried out laboratory demonstrations in front of scientists