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Google News: Cowboy shooting brings Old West to Marysville

[HeraldNet] - Here, Lance Palmer, aka Contingent Fee McGee, takes aim through the gun smoke. As the alias suggests, he is a lawyer from Seattle. By Dan Bates, Herald Writer Shortly after a mandatory safety meeting and the pledge of allegiance, shots ring out in

Perry's Nick Heflin leads Buckeyes into NCAA mat tourney
[Canton Repository] - “We've had (captains) like Lance Palmer, Reece Humphrey, guys that were just great at what they do. “But coach Ryan came to me and told me he needed me to help lead the team.” That was a tall order. The true freshmen that came in included four-time

More to TUF 15's Urijah Faber Than Dominick Cruz Rivalry
[MMA Fighting] - I've got Lance Palmer who's a four time All-American and NCAA finalist and Chad Mendes who's a national finalist as well to help with wrestling. I've got Justin Buchholz who does a lot of our team practices and is good with a lot of the conditioning

Former WSOF Featherweight champ Lance Palmer on The ...
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