Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Lara"

Information about "Lara"

Name-day: 26.3.

For this Lara there are 12327 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Lara are: Scifoni, Adel, Alsharif

In the ranking of the most common first names Lara is on position 573.

During the last seven days Lara was searched for 37 times.

Meaning of "Lara"

Female first name (German, Russian): go back to the old Roman nickname of 'Lawrence': 'the out of town Laurentium stem end, Lara; Latin (Geographic name as first name); laurus = the laurel, the laurel wreath, information on male form Lorenz ', later called' reinterpreted as 'the laurel Laurus' with laurel wreath as a symbol of victory / the winner Lara is a short form of feminine names Laura and Larissa. Laura means bay or laurel wreath.

(Sent from: Rocky)

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