Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Leslie"

Information about "Leslie"

For this Leslie there are 23798 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Leslie are: Mackereth, Abbott, Amer

In the ranking of the most common first names Leslie is on position 258.

During the last seven days Leslie was searched for 125 times.

Meaning of "Leslie"

Male first name (German, English): Leslie, Old Irish (family name as first name); leas = the garden; cuileann = holly; use of a Scottish family name as first name, the family is again back on the place name 'Lesslyn' in Aberdeenshire, this Gaelic place name may have the meaning 'garden with holly'; is both a male and a female first name in use Female first name (English, German): Leslie, Old Irish (family name as first name); leas = the garden; cuileann = holly; by a Scottish family name, which in turn goes back to a place name (for details see male form), both as male and as a female first name in use (female, especially in the U.S.)

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