Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Lidia"

Information about "Lidia"

For this Lidia there are 8146 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Lidia are: Aguilar, Balbina, Banaś

In the ranking of the most common first names Lidia is on position 838.

During the last seven days Lidia was searched for 30 times.

Meaning of "Lidia"

Female first name (English, German): Lidia; the Lydierin; ancient Greek (Geographic name as first name), invited the armed = (Hebrew), could be the name of the landscape '; of Lydia, the ancient Greek name of a landscape in Turkey today Lud 'are the name of a grandson of Noah (Lud is assumed to be ancestor of all Lydians), the Hebrew name' Lud 'in turn is translated as' armed'

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