Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Maria"

Information about "Maria"

Name-day: 1.1., 7.10.

For this Maria there are 118331 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Maria are: Silva, da Silva, Jose

In the ranking of the most common first names Maria is on position 6.

During the last seven days Maria was searched for 702 times.

Meaning of "Maria"

Female first name (German, Italian, Portuguese, English, Scandinavian, Dutch, Polish, Greek): Mary, bitterness, Hebrew (Old Testament); mirjam = the bitterness, the bitterness (Aramaic); mry ='s lover (Egyptian (?) ); clarify meaning is not certain;, as the name of the mother of Jesus symbol of pure and deep love is a possibility: 'bitterness', and another possibility is an Egyptian origin and a derivation of 'mry' (the / the beloved, in the sense of: that which is loved / he who is loved), 'Maria' is the Greek / Latin origin form, 'Mirjam' the older Aramaic / Hebrew, probably the most common female Christian name Female first name (Latin, Ancient Greek): Maria; bitterness (?) Hebrew (Old Testament); mirjam = the bitterness, the bitterness (Aramaic); mry ='s lover (Egyptian), clarified meaning is not certain;, as the name of the mother of Jesus Symbol of Pure and a deep love possibility: 'bitterness', and another possibility is an Egyptian origin and a derivation of 'mry' (the / the beloved, in the sense of that which is loved / he who is loved), 'Maria' is the Greek / Latin origin form, 'Mirjam' the older Aramaic / Hebrew, probably the most common female Christian name

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