Education Mary Margaret

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ONCE UPON A TIME Season Two Poster Concepts Promise 'Magic is Coming'
[The Daily BLAM!] - Once Upon a Time stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Sister Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold, Lana Parrilla as Evil Queen/Regina, Jamie Dornan as Sheriff Graham, Jared Gilmore as Henry

Fall TV Guide 2012: Where We Left Off And What's Ahead On 'Revenge ...
[Huffington Post] - The identity of Henry's father will also be revealed, as will the origin of the "Once Upon A Time" book that Mary Margaret/Snow White gave Henry. You can also expect to see Sebastian Stan's Mad Hatter again, as well as Eion Bailey's Pinocchio, while

Google News: 'Once Upon a Time' season 2 spoilers: The family reunion

[] - Sure, but Mary Margaret and David did not know they were Snow White and Prince Charming, and Emma never realized that she was spending so much time with people who were her parents. Now, we have our first look at what happens when the family all

Google News: Best In Snow: Ginnifer Goodwin On What's Coming On Once Upon A Time

[KSiteTV] - “No matter what, Mary-Margaret will always be a part of Snow White, but she is ultimately Snow White,” Goodwin answers in response to whether or not the meek schoolteacher will be more bold against Regina in Season 2. “Snow White is her true identity.