Google News: On Western Sahara, UN Now Concerned of Violence, No DSG Read-out
[Inner City Press] - By Matthew Russell Lee. UNITED NATIONS, November Four days after Inner City Press first asked the UN about crackdowns on Western Sahara demonstrators during UN envoy Christopher Ross' visit, when it asked again on Tuesday UN spokesman
Google News: On DRC, UN Says No "Formal Communication" from Uganda, SC Vetted Hege
[Inner City Press] - By Matthew Russell Lee. UNITED NATIONS, November The UN continued Tuesday to deny it had heard from Uganda about pulling its troops out of peacekeeping missions in Somalia and elsewhere, despite acknowledging a Ugandan delegation
Google News: Syria Calls Doha Process Partial, Feltman Monitors w/o Details, France on ...
[Inner City Press] - Syria Calls Doha Process Partial, Feltman Monitors w/o Details, France on Lebanon. By Matthew Russell Lee. UNITED NATIONS, November After UN political chief Jeffrey Feltman briefed the Security Council on Syria, he came to take press questions at
Google News: As US Trashes "Evil 8" on Human Rights, Nothing on Sri Lanka, Bahrain, S. Sudan
[Inner City Press] - By Matthew Russell Lee. UNITED NATIONS, November It was US election day when the US Mission to the UN got its chance to speechify on human rights in the General Assembly's Third Committee. Its turn came right after Venezuela, which raised the
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