Melissa Mendez Free People Check 

( I'm Melissa Mendez)


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Google News: Crime Watch for the week of Oct. 6, 2012

[] - Melissa Mendez, New Cumberland; theft by unlawful taking-movable property, theft by deception-false impression; waived for court. Carlos Torres, El Paso, Texas; driving under the influence, accident damage to unattended vehicle or property; waived for

Google News: La nueva generación de Pequeños Gigantes

[Univisión] - Duelo de baile en Pequeños Gigantes 2 para un puesto en el escuadrón Los Super Peques. Melissa Mendez y Jeammy Flores bailaron Salsa con Jarek

Melissa Mendez issues public apology - News | Khaleej Times
She issued public apology to businessman Rey Pamaran over an incident last week that led to the actress being offloaded from a Cebu Pacific flight.

Invalid Website
Starlet Melissa Mendez is seeking the help of Women's party-list Gabriela to have her rights asserted following reports that she was offloaded from a Cebu...
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