Mia Finnegan Free People Check 

( I'm Mia Finnegan)


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Mia Finnegan, The First Ever Fitness Olympia Champ is BACK - HARDBODY...

I wrote about a possible return of IFBB Fitness Champ Mia Finnegan in my “Twist & Turns” column. A few people have contacted me and asked ...

Bethenny Frankel Shades RHOC, Tamra Judge & Mia Finnegan

Last night, in the moments before Tamra walked out on stage on RHOC, another housewife was shading Tamra's moment: Bethenny Frankel

EXCLUSIVE: Tamra Judge Shares Secrets Behind Her Total Body...

'The Real Housewives of Orange County' star is down to just 14 percent body fat.

Fitness owners add nutritional component

She reached out to retired body builder Mia Finnegan, who is now a distributor for energy and nutritional product line AdvoCare. Cort wanted to ...
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