Michael Nabil and Blogger Free People Check 

( I'm Michael Nabil)
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Ägyptischer Blogger Michael Nabil in Nervenklinik eingewiesen

Aktivisten befürchten „legale Foltermethoden“. Das Militär soll bereits früher Häftlinge in gutem mentalem Gesundheitszustand in psychiatrische Klinik...

Egypt army pardons 1,959 detainees, prominent blogger

News, Mideast News: Military rulers release Egyptians convicted by military courts including activist Michael Nabil who almost died in hunger strike

Lebanese blogger deported from Egypt for ties with detained Egyptian...

A Lebanese blogger who is linked to detained Egyptian activist Michael Nabil was deported from Cairo Airport

Coptic Blogger Jailed for Criticizing Egyptian Military Goes on...

(AINA) -- Activist and blogger Dr. Michael Nabil Sanad, 25, began a hunger strike on Tuesday in his cell at Al-Marg prison, in Quliubia province, to protesting the deliberate ...