Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Monica"

People with the first name "Monica"

Information about "Monica"

For this Monica there are 41086 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Monica are: Castro, Garcia, Jaramillo

In the ranking of the most common first names Monica is on position 95.

During the last seven days Monica was searched for 199 times.

Meaning of "Monica"

Female first name (Italian, English, Portuguese): Monica, Latin (New Testament); monachus = the hermit, the monk; Monere advise = warn; known origin is not certain; is partly derived from the Latin 'monachus' 'Monk'; was understood in the Middle Ages to the Latin 'Monere' advise 'belonging, known by the St.. Monika (4th century), the mother of St. Augustine, as St.. Monica came from Carthage, could be the name also of North African or Phoenician origin

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