Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Moritz"

People with the first name "Moritz"

Moritz Ackerhans Moritz Alex Moritz Baars Moritz Baumgärtner Moritz Beck Moritz Beierlein Moritz Biehl Moritz Birkner Moritz Bleibtreu Moritz Bleyer Moritz Bock Moritz Brandt Moritz Cichon Moritz Crönlein Moritz Demetz Moritz Erhardt Moritz Erian Moritz Eschenlohr Moritz Esser Moritz Fuchs Moritz Gagern Moritz Garlich Moritz Gemke Moritz Hagenmüller Moritz Hanke Moritz Hans Moritz Hansen Moritz Harder Moritz Herrmann Moritz Heusel Moritz Heuser Moritz Hodde Moritz Hohmann Moritz Huss Moritz Hüper Moritz Jakob Moritz Junginger Moritz Kahle Moritz Knabben Moritz Kraft Moritz Kratzer Moritz Krebs Moritz Köhler Moritz Köster Moritz Lenz Moritz Leuenberger Moritz Lindner Moritz Linke Moritz Lipperheide Moritz Lötzgen Moritz Maisch Moritz Mayer Moritz Menacher Moritz Metzner Moritz Mey Moritz Mihm Moritz Mombour Moritz Mueller Moritz Müh Moritz Neelmeier Moritz Netenjakob Moritz Nolte Moritz Otto Moritz Peters Moritz Piske Moritz Pöppel Moritz Reiser Moritz Ritter Moritz Rogg Moritz Rohde Moritz Roth Moritz Ruff Moritz Ruhl Moritz Ruland Moritz Schaefer-Theisen Moritz Schell Moritz Schmid Moritz Schmitt Moritz Schrey Moritz Schroeder Moritz Schröder Moritz Schubert Moritz Schulze Moritz Schäfer-Theisen Moritz Schönfeld Moritz Seibert Moritz Teschner Moritz Trost Moritz Wacker Moritz Wahl Moritz Winkler Moritz Wolffer Moritz Wüst Moritz Zapf Moritz Zeller Moritz Zschoche Moritz van der Meulen Moritz Von Frankenberg Moritz von Stietencron Moritz von der Heydte
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Information about "Moritz"

For this Moritz there are 2151 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Moritz are: Fuckerburg, Heukamp, Kochendörfer

In the ranking of the most common first names Moritz is on position 2611.

During the last seven days Moritz was searched for 21 times.

Meaning of "Moritz"

Male first name (German): Moritz, consisting of Mauritania stem end of Mohr, Latin (Roman epithet); maurus = dark-skinned, originally a Roman nickname 'Mauricius' of from Mauritania stem end of Mohr'; in the Middle Ages spread by the cult of hl. Mauritius, the leader of the Theban Legion in Switzerland (4th century)

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