Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Nathalie"

People with the first name "Nathalie"

Nathalie Antoine Nathalie Arbefeuille Nathalie Arnoux Nathalie Avanthay Nathalie Baeten Nathalie Berger Nathalie Boegel Nathalie Boet Nathalie Bomfleur Nathalie Bonhomme Nathalie Böhning Nathalie Cadieux Nathalie Caestecker Nathalie Cardinaels Nathalie Carrere Nathalie Cremer Nathalie D'addezio Nathalie Daigle Nathalie Dampmann Nathalie Dolatschko Nathalie Drouin Nathalie Duault Nathalie Ducrest Nathalie Dufrasne Nathalie Dufresne Nathalie Dupond Nathalie Dupont Nathalie Eikel Nathalie Esnault Nathalie Facundo Nathalie Fadlallah Nathalie Fauvel Nathalie Franz Nathalie Freiha Nathalie French Nathalie Gaulin Nathalie Gerbasi Nathalie Girard Nathalie Goitom Nathalie Grospiron Nathalie Guzman Nathalie Götz Nathalie Harper Nathalie Hayashi Nathalie Hoarau Nathalie Horwath Nathalie Hovens Nathalie Jamois Nathalie Jansen Nathalie Jaudel Nathalie Kemp Nathalie Kent Nathalie Kesler Nathalie Koch Nathalie Kramp Nathalie Lagier Nathalie Lalanne Nathalie Lemlijn Nathalie Levi Nathalie Levy-Lafon Nathalie Lewin Nathalie Loriot Nathalie Maier Nathalie Mamo Nathalie Meyer Nathalie Neefs Nathalie Noller Nathalie Nunez Nathalie Olivares Nathalie Orban Nathalie Peeters Nathalie Peroz Nathalie Peters Nathalie Prachensky Nathalie Prussia-Collin Nathalie Rams Nathalie Rauschmayr Nathalie Raynal Nathalie Renoux Nathalie Richter Nathalie Rihouet Nathalie Rivard Nathalie Roux Nathalie Roy Nathalie Rémillard Nathalie Samia Nathalie Sanschagrin Nathalie Scalera Nathalie Schroyen Nathalie Toupin Nathalie Triantafillidis Nathalie Trouveroy Nathalie Verchere Nathalie Verdon Nathalie Veys Nathalie Wauters Nathalie Wijnants Nathalie Witjes Nathalie De Clercq Nathalie de Groof
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Information about "Nathalie"

For this Nathalie there are 18174 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Nathalie are: Lheritier, Alexander, Alidee

In the ranking of the most common first names Nathalie is on position 367.

During the last seven days Nathalie was searched for 57 times.

Meaning of "Nathalie"

Female first name (German, English, French): Nathalie; the Christmas babies; Latin (New Testament); = natalis birthday, the NOEL Christmas (French), information on male form Noel, from the Latin word 'dies natalis' (date of birth), which is understood in Christianity as the birthday of Christ, therefore meaning 'of the birthday of Christ (Christmas) infants;' is noël 'while the normal French word for Christmas

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