Peter Rivera and Assemblyman Free People Check 

( I'm Peter Rivera)
(1 - 19 from 30

Two Bronxites race to replace surrogate court judge
[The Riverdale Press] - Though there were a few potential opponents for Judge Malave-Gonzalez, including Bronx Supreme Court Judge Darcel Clark, former Bronx Assemblyman Peter Rivera and attorney Winston Rouse, Judge Malave-Gonzalez ran unopposed in the primary.

NALEO Honors New York State Assemblyman Peter Rivera Ya Es...
9 Feb – NALEO Honors New York State Assemblyman Peter Rivera. WASHINGTON, Feb. 9, PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The National Association of Latino ...

Key pol goes from foe to fan of charter bill
The Latino leader of the state Assembly yesterday endorsed legislation to lift the cap on charter schools Assemblyman Peter Rivera (D-Bronx), head of the 11-member Hispanic ...

Bronx Elections: Potential Candidates Eye Peter Rivera's Assembly Seat
Potential candidates are emerging to replace Assemblyman Peter Rivera, who is vacating his seat to head the State Department of Labor.