Yasni Exposé Products and Pricing
(Last updated: 31.05.2014)
  All Users Exposé
3 months
12 months
Search by names and keywords
Simple Monitoring with updates by e-mail (once per week)
Show as person for searches by names and keywords  
Presence in Google , Bing and other search engines  
Monitoring & info e-mail for your name (once per week)  
Keyword filter for increased precision of your monitoring  
Flexible info e-mail for name monitoring (daily - monthly)  
Find people/names based on location, profession, company, etc. as monitoring and info e-mail (daily - monthly)  
Select 2 typical top keywords to promote yourself – free choice from all keywords associated with your Exposé  
Prominent placement as "Top Person" for searches with keywords matching your Exposé (especially top keywords)  
Personal slogan – promote your services instantly  
Presence on Yasni frontpage – with photo and slogan  
Monthly fee
7.99 USD
5.99 USD
All prices include VAT.
For companies, sales representatives, HR professionals, journalists and others with special need of online people research tools:
Product overview Business ReSearch