Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Roberta"

People with the first name "Roberta"

Roberta Alemagna Roberta Alexander Roberta Aranha Roberta Araujo Roberta Ashley Roberta Bernasconi Roberta Bieling Roberta Bigi Roberta Brandimarte Roberta Brito Roberta Caria Roberta Cat Roberta Catenacci Roberta Cavalcante Roberta Cerbino Roberta Close Roberta Copeland Roberta Coppola Roberta Cottone Roberta Cummings Roberta Doyle Roberta Epigat Roberta Facchin Roberta Fischli Roberta Flack Roberta Fontenele Roberta Freeman Roberta Gandolfi Roberta Garcia Roberta Garzia Roberta Gemma Roberta Giarrusso Roberta Gonzales Roberta Grimaldi Roberta Hall Roberta Hamilton Roberta Heaslip Roberta Holanda Roberta Hunter Roberta Ir Paulius Roberta Jones Roberta Kelly Roberta Lemgruber Boechat Rodrigues Roberta Luna Roberta McDonald Roberta Meo Roberta Miller Roberta Morelli Roberta Morrison Roberta Moura Roberta Oliva Roberta Pavan Roberta Pedon Roberta Pelle Roberta Pellegatta Roberta Pellegrino Roberta Pinotti Roberta Pinter Roberta Pireddu Roberta Poretti Roberta Poropat Roberta Portela Roberta Possanzini Roberta Ralston Roberta Razzano Roberta Ro Roberta Robbert Roberta Robertson Roberta Rodriguez Roberta Rogers Roberta Rossellini Roberta Saretta Roberta Scalzilli Roberta Schiavon Roberta Schneider Roberta Scott Roberta Silva Roberta Smith Roberta Stone Roberta Tavassoli Roberta Teles Roberta Telles Roberta Torres Roberta Tosatto Roberta Trombetta Roberta Vasquez Roberta Vaughan Roberta Velasquez Roberta Viviani Roberta Vázquez Roberta Wals Roberta Weber Roberta Wild Roberta Wover Roberta Young Roberta Zanfranceschi Roberta Zuliani Roberta da Silveira Roberta De Brito Roberta dos Santos Cavalcanti
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Information about "Roberta"

For this Roberta there are 15362 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Roberta are: Alexander, Andrade, Araujo

In the ranking of the most common first names Roberta is on position 448.

During the last seven days Roberta was searched for 42 times.

Meaning of "Roberta"

Female first name (English, German, Italian): Roberta, Old High (two-part name); hruod = fame; beraht = bright, glossy, information on the male form of Robert: common in the Middle Ages in Northern France;; old Germanic or German two-part name brought from there to England

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