Rock You and Hurricane Free People Check 

( I'm Rock You)
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„Rock You Like A Hurricane“: : Museumsbesucher fordern Zugabe
[Westfälische Nachrichten] - Besucher aus ganz Deutschland und dem näheren Ausland pilgern seit Monaten ins Rock'n'Popmuseum. Ihr Ziel ist die Ausstellung über die international erfolgreiche Rockband die Scorpions. „Rock You Like A Hurricane“ – so lautet der Titel der

Google News: Michael Schenker Confirms April UK Tour & Tickets

[ (blog)] - Songs to be performed by the Temple of Rock include UFO's 'Rock Bottom' and 'Doctor Doctor', MSG's 'Armed and Ready' and 'Into The Arena', and Scorpions classics including 'Rock You Like A Hurricane'. Schenker will also perform new songs from his

Google News: Tesla and Scorpions Rock The Mann Center

[] - Rock You Like A Hurricane The acoustics of the Mann were put to the test by these rockers, and passed with flying colors! Check the event listings on for upcoming shows at the Mann, and treat yourself to an incredible sounding show

End of The Scorpions' farewell party coming – just not quite yet
[Allentown Morning Call] - Its song "Rock You Like a Hurricane" has made several all-time best lists, and this year is sung by Tom Cruise in the new movie "Rock of Ages." Schenker says he marvels at the new fans the tour has generated. "The two last years, we have so many