Andy Coulson, former No 10 spin doctor tells PM: Your wife is the...
In a damning critique of Tory prospects, Andy Coulson said the Prime Minister’s wife should make more public appearances to boost his ‘slim’ chances of winning...
Samantha Cameron: Big bash planned to celebrate 41st birthday
[Daily Mail] - By Ephraim Hardcastle Samantha Cameron's 41st birthday on April 18 will be marked by a party at Chequers, with a DJ in attendance, says a Tory source who explains: 'She didn't really have a party on her 40th because daughter Florence was only six
PM Cameron Tak Segan Berbelanja Tanpa Pengawalan
[Metro TV News] - Sikap istrinya, Samantha Cameron, pun tak jauh berbeda. Pada Desember 2011, Samantha berada di Ikea London. Ia mengangkat sendiri barang-barang keperluan rumah ke trolinya. Saat merayakan ulang tahun Samantha tahun lalu, suami istri itu berlibur ke
Tycoon who donated over £500k to Tories arrested for stalking his wife
[Scottish Daily Record] - Speaking at his Es… mansion yesterday, where a picture of him with David and Samantha Cameron sits on the living room mantelpiece, Ives said: “I accepted a caution on the advice of my solicitor. But my gut reaction was not to accept it because I
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