Syed Ahmed Free People Check 

( I'm Syed Ahmed)


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Governor promises more interaction with tribal chiefs in state
[Times of India] - RANCHI: Complying with the provisions of Schedule V of the Indian Constitution, governor Syed Ahmed on Wednesday invited traditional tribal chiefs to the Raj

Democracy under threat
[] - Syed Ahmed. June 19, :15 pm. Wither democracy, what people need is roti, kapra aur makan and not just the slogan. Also needed is law and order

Property dealer charred to death
[Times of India] - Read more:Syed Ahmed Khan|real estate|Property dealer|Gittikhadan police ... Syed Ahmed Khan was staying alone at the place after his wife deserted him

Babar Awan criticizes PM's advisers
[The News International] - Ahmad Nadeem Pakistan. Well said, Babar Awan. Syed Ahmed Canada. BABAR AWAN PROVED TO BE UNTRUSTWORTHY. HE SHOULD KEEP QUIET saroj
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