Tf John McDonnell and Labour Free People Check 

( I'm Tf John McDonnell)
(1 - 35 from 82

Don't go on Russia Today, John McDonnell urges Labour MPs | News ...
Labour's shadow chancellor has said he will no longer appear on a Kremlin-controlled television station.John McDonnell said that RT's coverage “goes beyond objective journalism” and Labour MPs should not appear on it.The English-language channel, formerly known as Russia Today, attracted heavy ...

Anna Soubry performs 'rowing' motion as John McDonnell attempts to ...
Conservative MP Anna Soubry was caught on camera performing a “rowing” motion as John McDonnell sought to clarify Labour's position on Russia during a TV interview. The Shadow Chancellor told ITV's Robert Peston that Jeremy Corbyn's warning “not to rush ahead of the evidence” over the nerve ...

John McDonnell: Labour public ownership plan will cost nothing - BBC ...
Labour's proposal to bring services such as water, energy and rail into public ownership would be "cost free", John McDonnell has said. The shadow chancellor says he wants to put public services "irreversibly in the hands of workers" so they can "never again be taken away". In a speech in London, ...

Labour's John McDonnell under fire over Bobby Sands plaque ...
Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell is under fire after it was revealed he has a plaque commemorating republican hunger strikers on the wall of his office.