Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Tina"

Information about "Tina"

Name-day: 7.11.

For this Tina there are 37779 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Tina are: Jonasen, Ahmetaj, Akhikpemelo

In the ranking of the most common first names Tina is on position 110.

During the last seven days Tina was searched for 232 times.

Meaning of "Tina"

Female first name (German, Low German, Frisian), (?) Tina the Pure, ancient Greek (14 helpers); katharos = pure; origin disputed, the Romans indicated (incorrectly) the name as too Greek 'katharos' properly and shaped today valid form 'Katharina', spread by the name of the Saint. Catherine of Alexandria (3rd and 4th centuries) Female first name (German, Italian, English): Tina, German (became independent short), became independent short form of names that 'tina' or '-tine' ends, such as Christina, Betty and Albertina

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