Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Victor"

Information about "Victor"

Name-day: 30.9.

For this Victor there are 38669 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Victor are: Diaz, Manuel, Garcia

In the ranking of the most common first names Victor is on position 106.

During the last seven days Victor was searched for 208 times.

Meaning of "Victor"

Male first name (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese): Victor, the winner, Latin (Roman mythology); victor = the winner; victoria = the victory, among other epithet of Hercules and the father of the gods Jupiter, previously contributed 3 popes named Victor male first name (Latin): Victor, the victors, the victor = winner; victoria = the victory, among other epithet of Hercules and the father of the gods Jupiter, previously contributed 3 popes named Victor

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